Bismid Special Shirley

If you’re looking for a game-changing product to transform your skincare routine, look no further than Bismid Special Shirley. This incredible formula is designed to tackle acne, pimples, spots, and hyperpigmentation, leaving you with a flawless complexion.

Direction for usage -Use only at night, everyday of the week



38 in stock

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                 Time of delivery
Same day delivery within Abuja if order is placed before 4pm.
2-3 days interstate shipping.
5-7 days international shipping>

Product Details

Why Choose Bismid Special Shirley?

Bismid Special Shirley isn’t just another skincare product; it’s a solution crafted with care and precision. Its unique blend of ingredients works harmoniously to clear up your skin, making it a standout choice for anyone struggling with blemishes and uneven skin tone. Say goodbye to those stubborn spots and hello to radiant skin!

Don’t let acne, pimples, spots, and hyperpigmentation hold you back any longer. With Bismid Special Shirley, you can achieve the clear, glowing skin you’ve always dreamed of. Give it a try and see the remarkable difference it can make!


Additional information

Weight 0.04 kg


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